Designed decades ago with the tropical climate in mind, our Clergy Guayabera Shirts evolved to be a cultural representation of Cuba, Mexico, and most Latin America. They are also very comfortable and look great on just about everyone. My Cuban Store offers the style in both short and long sleeve fashions. This shirt represents the cultural ties of the Hispanic world. The Clerical Guayabera reinforces your identity with the community and makes an excellent gift for your priest or minister. Clergy Guayaberas transcend the cultural divide. This clergy Guayabera shirt, also known as a Clergy Panama shirt, features the clerical collar known as clergy collar or Roman collar.
What Does the Collar Represent?
A collar is a sign of a person's religious calling. It helps others in the community to identify them, regardless of their faith. Worn by priests worldwide, the clerical collar is a narrow, stiff, and upright white collar that fastens at the back. The collar is an important element of a priest's formal and casual apparel, and it is best represented by the small white rectangle that can be visible poking through the space of a black tab collar shirt. Some priests, however, prefer to wear a full band clerical collar, which exposes the white collar all the way around their neck.
The Hybrid collar clerical guayabera shirt.
Our Guayabera shirt collars are hybrid. You can wear either a tab collar (as most Catholic Priests do) or a full neckband collar, also known as a dog collar (Anglican or Protestant). The Guayabera is a versatile piece of clothing. It is famous for being super breathable in hot climates; hence, these are great shirts for these long summer days.
How to Apply the full neck-band clerical collar, neckband or dog collar on our Clerical Guayabera?

Locate the back slit to place the small black pin from your band collar on it.

Place the button on the perforation found on the inside front part of the band collar.

Place the band collar all around your neck and button it up on the on the back with the pin.

The neckband collar will stay in place once its button up on the front and inserted on the back pin.

Now you can adjust the collar a bit until you get it in place as shown.
How to Apply the tab clerical collar on our

Button up the shirt and slide the tab on either side.

Slide the other side of the clerical tab.

Adjust the clerical tab until is on the desired position.