April 15

The Illegally Hung Wedding Shirts

The Illegally Hung Wedding Shirts

By The Ancient Florida Native

Once upon a time….today….The Ancient Florida Native, hand-washed four
Guayabera shirts made of fine linen, that are to be worn for the up coming
Beach wedding of her son. Being an expert on hand-washing and hanging
clothes she was frustrated with the rules of the Home Owners Association, or HOA.
There shall be NO clothes lines in the community.

The Ancient one managed to think of a way to beat the rules by stretching
a rope between two palm trees, just long enough for the four shirts.

The local birds were drawn to the sight of hanging shirts and seemed to
know instinctively, as if in their genes, that they are to do something to
the shirts, but not quite sure what. The Ancient One, sat on the patio with a
bamboo stick in her hand, fully prepared to whip the poop out of any bird
that perched on her line of wedding shirts.
See the Mockingbird eyeballing the shirts?

The ancient one was very clever to find a way around the rules of the
HOA, and the nasty pooping Mockingbirds. It is most appropriate the Guayabera
shirts were dried in the Florida Sun, between two palms and across from a
bunch of banana trees.
The blue Guayabera belongs to the Ancient Florida Native’s husband, the
more Ancient Ohio Yankee.



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