April 14

What to wear in Havana Cuba

Traveling to Cuba means you’re going to a place where the colonial era emulsified with glamor to create a unique area; one surrounded by water and filled with a great deal of culture. From the salsa music that emanates through the clubs to the historic forts and museums, the city truly has something for everyone. It has beautiful weather too, but you must know what to pack when traveling to this tropical region.

Obviously when deciding what to wear in Havana, Cuba, you must take into consideration that year round temperatures are between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, rarely dropping below 50.

Jeans and a T-shirt may not be glamorous, but they are functional and match the weather during cooler months. Generally, you want to opt for a short-sleeved shirt made of cotton, rayon or linen. Havana is a very stylish area, so make sure that in addition to your tees, you have a few sexy tops to wear. If that’s not your style, feel free to opt for a more casual look.

Men Wearing a linen shirt and shorts

The weather gets hot, so tank tops are a necessity. Plus, they’re versatile, so it’ll be easy to match them with a bottom that works for any occasion. You definitely want to pack shorts or skirts. You must keep in mind that not every restaurant will allow to wear shorts inside, so you make sure you check with the places you plan on dining at before you get dressed for the day or just opt not to wear shorts.

Flowing sundresses of any length are comfy, yet stylish. You can wear them to go to restaurants or to site see. Pair them with sandals when dressing up to go out to dinner. Make sure you bring some clothes to dress up in if you plan on going clubbing. The cities is loaded with clubs including the Tropicana, the Rio Club, the Disco Habana Club and Shangri La, just to name a few.

When selecting which shoes to bring, you need to primarily focus on what will be comfort. With it being so hot, you more than likely won’t want to be stuck in tennis shoes all day. Bring several pairs of flip flops or other sandals to match with different outfits that are easy to walk in and won’t blister your feet. Pack one pair of comfortable walking shoes for when you tour the city if you’re not comfortable with always wearing sandals. For those who plan to enjoy the nightlife festivities, bring at least one pair of heels or dressy shoes. Keep in mind that women tend to dress up to go to dinner and out to the clubs.

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