July 9

Glorieta de Manzanillo

The City of Manzanillo

Gazebo of Parque Céspedes in Manzanillo, Cuba.

Manzanillo, also known as the Pearl of the Guacanayabo, was established in 1784. In 1792 the Cuban town was ravaged the French, a fort was built to protect it the following year. It obtained a council in 1833 and another in 1837 for its "loyalty" in not following Santiago's leadership in proclaiming the Spanish Constitution. The port was opened to both domestic and foreign trade in 1827. It is home to the Glorieta de Manzanillo. 

Inside view of "Glorieta de Manzanillo," or, the Roundabout of Manzanillo

Glorieta de Manzanillo today.

Glorieta de Manzanillo, circa. 1930s.

The city of Manzanillo has a roundabout that was declared a local monument by the National Directorate of Heritage in 1991.

This was due to its beauty and the extraordinary values it possesses. Established in the center of the most notable park in town, it's the pride of the Manzanillo farmers and a reason for admiration for all who visit. It celebrated its 97th birthday this year in 2021!

This gazebo it is beautifully decorated with Spanish Moorish design. The square been the center of the town has been the center of activities with concerts and different political functions. Back in the early days men with guayaberas and women with traditional dresses will come to the park to meet  and listen to live music. 

Where Manzanillo located on a map.

It is considered one of the most important and populated cities in the province. Due to its unique conditions, it is one of the warmest areas in the country. However, the intense heat is somewhat relieved because it is a coastal city.

Its main activities are port, tourist, commercial, mining, transformation, agricultural, fishing, livestock, export, construction, shipping, and services industries. Local agriculture is based on raising coffee, sugarcane, rice, fruit, and tobacco crops. Not to mention honey and cattle are farmed as well.

The local industry is composed of sawmills, fish-canning, molasses plants, and some cigar and leather goods factories. The municipality also has zinc and copper deposits.

Cuban Tobacco Farm.


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